Sunday, April 06, 2008


So we are back from our lovely honeymoon in the Dominican Republic it was so much fun! We went and swam with the dolphins, saw some sharks, went quadding through the villages and went to a secluded island in the middle of the ocean where we went snorkeling and ate fresh fruit. It was all very amazing and we have so many great pictures and memories to have for the rest of our lives together.
But now to the amazing wedding we had!
It was such a beautiful day out in Waiprous where we held the ceremony and reception, it started a little late but when it began it was so beautiful! I remember when I was just about to come down the aisle I couldn't help but start to cry I was just so happy that after all our hard work we were finally going to get married. I know that there were a few times when we both teared up a bit.

Afterward we spent hours taking pictures by my very talented uncle and his photography partner Kim, they are so awesome and gave us everything we wanted to capture our special day. Thank you both so much once again can't wait to see the rest!