Monday, May 25, 2009

I miss this

Oh Sara that day was so much fun I miss you so so much!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Baby Shower

Jazlynn Willow Danika Wilson
Baby shower for this little sweetheart Saturday December 6 2008 @ 2 pm
Location is Rachelle and Ian's home
If you would like to attend please give me a call to R.S.V.P.
(I can also give you the address when you do call)
If you are coming please do bring a small snack and a fun attitude!
Jazlynn is registered at babies r us under Rachelle Daly and Ian Wilson.
Everyone is invited so please do come.
Can't wait to see you there!!
PS. If you do not have my number just post a comment and I will track you down heehee

Sunday, April 06, 2008


So we are back from our lovely honeymoon in the Dominican Republic it was so much fun! We went and swam with the dolphins, saw some sharks, went quadding through the villages and went to a secluded island in the middle of the ocean where we went snorkeling and ate fresh fruit. It was all very amazing and we have so many great pictures and memories to have for the rest of our lives together.
But now to the amazing wedding we had!
It was such a beautiful day out in Waiprous where we held the ceremony and reception, it started a little late but when it began it was so beautiful! I remember when I was just about to come down the aisle I couldn't help but start to cry I was just so happy that after all our hard work we were finally going to get married. I know that there were a few times when we both teared up a bit.

Afterward we spent hours taking pictures by my very talented uncle and his photography partner Kim, they are so awesome and gave us everything we wanted to capture our special day. Thank you both so much once again can't wait to see the rest!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

These AMAZING!!! photos were taken by Kimberly Williamson.
I am so so so impressed by all of these, we had no intention of getting our pictures taken when we took Kim and my uncle Eddy out to our wedding site and look at how they turned out!!
They are so awesome!!
I am so excited for her to take our wedding pictures with my uncle Eddy and I now know that I'll have beautiful pictures of our wedding to look back at for the rest of our lives!
Thank you so much Kim and Eddy it means so much!!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I just remembered a service that Pastor King preached about singing your song in the night.... at first I just thought wow great service... it didn't hit me until awhile after that service, and I don't know if this is what he wanted to say or if I'm taking it the right way but this is what I got from it.
A lot of the time that I was in church I felt like giving up because my mother wasn't in church and no other members of my family (except for my grandma) were in the church and I felt that I was very alone and that it was so hard by myself. Well one day we were driving in Lisa's car listening to her new Audio Adrenaline CD and we were rocking out (haha) to all the songs when a slow song came on. I'm not really good at hearing the words of a song and I still didn't know many Bible stories so the song didn't mean all that much to me, but Rachelle was getting so mad at me cause I wasn't listening and she knew all the things I was going through and that this song could be my song. The song is called "Leaving 99" this song comes from Luke 15:4-7

4What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
5And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
6And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.
7I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

Once this was explained to me I have never forgotten this song. I can not tell you how many times I have listened to this song and how many times it has kept me going and even now that I am not going, I know that when I hear this song that He is looking for me and that He still loves me and cares about me and when I find my way back He will rejoice and forgive me. So I'm putting this song up because maybe someone just like me needs this song to sing in the night.

"I'm lost and broken, all alone on this road
the wheels keep turnin', but the feelin' is gone
when I fear I'm on my own
You remind me I am not alone
when You said

I'd leave ninety-nine
leave them all behind
to find you
for you alone
I'd leave ninety-nine
leave them all behind
to find you

it's dark and lonely and the path is unclear
can't move my feet because I'm frozen in fear
then you say,
"My child, my child - I am always here, I'm by your side"


you're never too far down
I promise you'll be found
I'll reach into the mud and mirely clay
pursue you to the end
like a faithful friend
nothing in this world can keep me away


Monday, October 01, 2007

Today I just want to cry. A part of me feels silly for wanting to but I know it's not silly at all. Lately I have been thinking more and more about much I miss Him, how He made me feel, how much He loved me and cared for me, and how I just left Him...because someone else got the best of me. It has just been one thing after another this morning... I don't know if I had a dream about Him or what but I woke up with him on my mind and then I checked my best friends blog and she had written a poem saying all the things that I was feeling. It must be Him pointing me back... the only problem is, that I don't know how to get there or how I ever could. I'm so scared and I wish I could find a way.......

Friday, June 29, 2007

This is the amazing poem that Rachelle wrote for me to say at the grad:
I stand here today realizing I've come to the end
As I hear the applause and see the smiles of my friends
Congratulations are in order, I've accomplished a waiting feat
But as I scan the crowd I see an empty seat
And though I am so thankful to have you all here today
There is still one word of encouragement I hope for one person to say
This journey of learning is not the only one in my life
There has been a whole wealth opened up, which is why I'm here tonight
Someone who has been on the sidelines in every race I have run
Encouraging, holding, and helping me and finally I've come
Realizing I didn't always know Him but now I see I love Him just as He loves me
And so I'm here with mixed feelings of joy, uncertainty and pride
Remembering the laughter, the lessons and the tears we cried
Thank you for honoring me now that I'm done
But mostly I hope that He is proud, my audience of ONE.
Rachelle Daly