Monday, October 01, 2007

Today I just want to cry. A part of me feels silly for wanting to but I know it's not silly at all. Lately I have been thinking more and more about much I miss Him, how He made me feel, how much He loved me and cared for me, and how I just left Him...because someone else got the best of me. It has just been one thing after another this morning... I don't know if I had a dream about Him or what but I woke up with him on my mind and then I checked my best friends blog and she had written a poem saying all the things that I was feeling. It must be Him pointing me back... the only problem is, that I don't know how to get there or how I ever could. I'm so scared and I wish I could find a way.......


MissionsAngel said...

When life seems cruel, and so unfair, with each new day it seems a great problems' waiting there. With each step forward I take, it seems I get pushed two steps behind, don't think my nerves can take it this time, I'm about to call it quits, when a solution comes to mind...Why not trust GOD again. I know that He can do it, if I Pray again, Believe again, I know that He will work it for my good again, I know that He will see me through, if I can just Trust God again.
No matter the mountain in your way, no matter the problems, worries, and confusion that comes in this life, Courtney HANG IN THERE. He has brought you this far to leave you. You may have turned left, or right but turn your eyes forward, Focus on HIM, and you will be there in His presence once again. You know where to find Him, you know where His love resides, don't be scared, don't worry about others, worry is lack of trust, and its kind of hard to trust when we don't understand, believe me! But trusting even when we don't understand or see a way out, puts God back at the top where He truly belongs. Get back to that place of shelter and security, He just wants to hear you whisper His name!

V said...

We're here for you to help you get back to where you need to be coco. We'll always be here.... Love you.

Coco said...

thank you guys it means so much

MissionsAngel said...

I may be in another country, but I am only a phone call away! Don't you love technology? I love you girl! You are AWESOME!

Sara Rivas said...


EstherH said...

I love you. You can do it if you set your heart towards it. I'm forever there for you.

Shad said...

= D

Jessica deLeeuw said...

Coco.. I've had you on my mind for the past 3 weeks, and I've really been praying for you. Thought you didn't blog anymore so it's been a while since I've checked your blog. Now I see why God has put you on my mind. Love and miss you guys!! You can do it, your family and friends are here to support you, come home... God needs you back! Remember everything that the devil tells you is a lie!! You are welcome back, we all miss and love you! Praying still!!

Coco said...

wow!! Thanks so much you guys... it makes me want to cry all over again

Mrs. Wizzle said...

ditto to all of the above. II Peter 3:9 and 10

Its your move

Amy St. Pierre said...

Heeeey, darlin, I just found your blog and I am so missing you! I was talking to Rachelle yesterday and told her to tell you too! Always praying for you and waiting for that day when you do find your answers!

Anonymous said...

coco I love you, think about you, and pray for you more than you know!! I miss you so much girl and I'm here when you need me! love ya!

Anonymous said...
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