Thursday, June 28, 2007

Shad making the best farewell speech EVER!!

I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling haha I'm a geek!

The Grads of '07

So nervous!! Thats why my face is all red haha

I love my Pastor sooo much!!! One of the greatest men I've ever met



And me looking like a dork haha


Matt D said...

Hey, I think that was prolly the best, smoothest, and awsomist grad ever!!!

whispers of a purple willow tree said...

i just want to pinch your cheeks!!!

MissionsAngel said...

COCO! I MISS YOU! You all looked so Beautiful that evening, and I had such a wonderful time! Can I come back we do it all over again? lol I miss you so very very much! Email me or something so we can chat! LOVE YOU!